Tagged: Cock Selfie


The Incredibly Hot Self Portraits Of Murilo Gonçalves

I don’t know how many times we’ve seen this over the years, but must only be a handful. Murilo Gonçalves is the handsome and hunky guy showing everything off in an erotic shoot that’s entirely self shot, and I think we all agree that he’s done a great job with this collection of photos. In a world where so many...


Dudes Flashing Dick In Some Hot Selfies

I discovered today that going to the gym is becoming more about meeting hot guys than about staying in shape, or at least for me it seems to be going that way. I met a really hot dude this morning, after he flashed me his junk in the locker room, and I have a hook up later tonight with the...


Jock Cock Showing Off!

I had a very strange experience last night. A guy I know (and one I have lusted after and joked with about going gay) sent me a selfie that was a little teasing. It was just out of the blue and not at all expected. I hadn’t heard from him for a couple of months and he sent me a...


Happy New Year! Have Some Cock

So Happy New Year! I hope you all celebrated the start of 2015 appropriately – which usually means drink, and a drunken kiss with someone, and perhaps even waking up on the first morning of the new year with someone you didn’t expect to be waking up with… lol I had a nice time, had a few drinks and then...